
Submission File Layout

Your software must generate a file (.csv) similar to Submission File Layout (please check the table on the left side). The file should have a table with two columns and 300 rows. Since there are 300 samples in the test dataset, therefore, the number of rows is 300. The first column in the table corresponds to the file number and the second column is the classifier output (Real/Fake). Please note that every file in the test dataset should be classified.

News Article file number, Label

Please check the table (Submission File Layout ) as a sample.

For example, the first row in Submission File Layout (please check the table on the left side):

1 Corresponds to file number input news article, and F corresponds to the predicted label of the news article.

  1. In order to encourage the investigation of different kinds of features, a team can submit only 3 different runs as the team want. However, the best run results will be considered as the final run.

  2. You can submit your runs by sending the generated files to UrduFake2021 (at) with your full name.

Guidelines for Authors


Submission notes

  1. Once the results are available, participants will be required to provide experiments code, an abstract and a technical report including a brief description of their approach and experiments for the publication in the FIRE Proceedings. All the working notes will be published in CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Please submit the final experiments code, an abstract and a technical report in a zip file at UrduFake2021 (at) (please name the folder with your team name).

  2. All technical report submissions should be in single column CEUR format. Authors should use one of the CEUR Templates below:

  1. Copyright Agreement: Each group also has to submit a copyright agreement form. This year there are two different forms:

a. copyright-ntp This agreement is to be filled by teams who have not used any third-party data/resource for their working notes. This will be the case for most of the teams. For downloading copyright-ntp, please proceed here

b. copyright-tp In case a group has used some third party material, they have to submit this form, which states that they have obtained the necessary permissions for use of such material.For downloading copyright-tp, please proceed here

The Partially filled copyright agreements are attached to this email. CEUR mandated physical signing of the forms after taking a printout. In case some participants do not have access to a printer (e.g. institute is closed due to covid-19), an alternate approach is mentioned here. A partially/incorrectly filled or digitally signed copyright form is the most common error that authors usually make, and special attention should be paid to it. Kindly ensure Date, place or title are not missing from the copyright agreement forms. For more details please read:

Each team can submit ONLY ONE working note across all subtasks of a given track. This condition however is not applicable to sub-tracks within HASOC. So a team can submit to both "HASOC - Dravidian Languages" as well as "HASOC - Abusive and Threatening language detection in Urdu" but not multiple working notes for subtasks within these sub-tracks.

These will be published with CEUR as has been the trend for the last several years. We need the following from each team:

a) Working notes

b) Copyright agreement

7. Common Issues

Following are some common errors that the authors must try to avoid:

- Inclusion of names of teams and tracks in titles of working notes is highly discouraged.

For instance titles like "Avengers@AILA: Legal document retrieval" should rather be written as "Legal Document Retrieval"

- Author names should not have any prefixes like Dr., Prof., etc

- Copyright information within the footer of the first page should be "Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation, December 13-17, 2021, India" and should not be changed to include track names or any other details/modifications.

Papers should be submitted through the following EasyChair Link:

Participants have to register at EasyChair. After registration, the following page should appear. Select "Make a new submission":